Lovely Nordic ❅ 雪一點暖意

“雪一點暖意“ 以北歐小動物和大自然為設計藍本。禮盒套裝包括頸巾、手套、布袋、袋子、雨傘,每款產品有獨特的手繪設計,每個禮盒附上一張”活版印刷小賀卡”,讓你送禮之餘,亦方便用文字表達心意。快啲來LOG-ON睇吓啦!

Lovely Nordic - our first fashion collection, featuring hand-drawn illustration with Nordic animals and nature.

The collection has muffler, gloves, tote bag, pouch and umbrella. Each set has a letterpress card for you to write a message.
Come and Pick them up at LOG-ON!
Hope you like them : )

❅ Inspiration Quote ❅
We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake – Marie B. Ray

OFESS x ditto ditto
available at LOG-ON

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